

  • Users< 100

Supercharge your workshops by collaborating in matchboxxr and exporting to Miro.

Enhance client pitches by visualising spatial concepts quickly.

Hold everyone to account to the same shared early vision, before money is spent on design and builds.

Key Features

  • Browser-based 3D editor
  • First person preview, desktop or VR
  • Observe POV of others during their preview
  • Use interactivity and scenes
  • Embed Figma frames
  • Upload models and images
  • See each other in the space
  • Edit and export storyboards to other tools

How to connect

Click the export button in the top left and select ‘Link to Miro’.
Give access to your chosen Miro team’s boards.
Follow the link back to editor.
Click the same export button and browse a list of your boards.
Select ‘Export to board’ to send a storyboard to the centre of a given board.

Helpful links

How-to guides

* Note that any information provided by a third party application provider, including pricing and payment details as applicable, is subject to change and should be verified with the provider.


Free and paidDesign toolsFacilitationIdeation & brainstorming


Verify pricing details with the developer*


  • Read and modify boards users have access to

About the developer



I'm building a simple tool for everyone to design VR together. It started as an idea. Then people said they wanted it! I'm absolutely determined to bring UX into the XR/VR world and help everyone explore ideas better.

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